From SamusocialdeParis to samusocialInternational
The history and creation of samusocial are linked to those of its founder, Doctor Xavier Emmanuelli. His experience working with people most at risk, victims of accidents or “victims of life” led him to rethink how to deal with major exclusion.
Convinced that extreme exclusion is a problem in all major cities, both in the North and in the South, Dr. Emmanuelli created samusocialInternational in July 1998. Its objective is to support large cities in the creation of samusocial -type services and to accompany their development.
November 1993
Launch of the samusocialdeParis by Doctor Xavier Emmanuelli, with the support of the Mayor of Paris, Jacques Chirac.
July 1998
Creation of
samusocialInternational to allow other cities in the world to benefit from the know-how of samusocialdeParis.
March 1999
Launch of
samusocialAlger for the benefit of adults and families in need on the streets of Algiers.
January 2001
Launch of
samusocialBurkinaFaso activities for the benefit of street children in Ouagadougou.
March 2001
Creation of the Fédération Nationale des samusociaux de France.
June 2001
Launch of the Centre d’Aide Sociale d’Urgence (CASU), an emergency social assistance center in Brussels, now
October 2001
Launch of
samusocialMali for the benefit of street children in Bamako.
June 2002
Graduation ceremony for disaster medicine education, Cameroon.
October 2003
Launch of the Inter-University Diploma “Approaching stray children, in danger, in the streets of megalopolises“.
November 2003
Launch of
samusocialSenegal activities for street children in Dakar.
November 2003
Creation of
samusocialMoskva, for the benefit of Moscow street children.
January 2004
Launch of
samusocialdinRomânia activities for homeless adults in Bucharest.
March 2004
Creation of
samusocialPerú, for the benefit of children and adults in Lima’s eastern districts.
July 2004
Launch of
samusocialîledeCayenne activities for homeless adults in Cayenne.
Launch of
samusocialMoskva activities for street children in Moscow.
April 2006
L’Ascise, an association under law 1091 working in support of the most excluded, takes the
samusocialFortdeFrance label.
May 2006
Creation of the
samusocialPointe-Noire with the support of the mayor of Pointe-Noire and launch of activities for street children in the second city of the Republic of Congo.
September 2006
Inauguration of
samusocialCasablanca in Morocco.
February 2007
Launch of the course “Social exclusion in urban areas from North and South cities” at Sciences-Po Paris.
April 2007
Official launch of the project in Egypt for street children in Cairo (more information on:
samusocialInternational in Egypt).
December 2007
Inauguration of the
samusocialIledeCayenne shelter.
Launch of the maraudes in Luanda, Angola, in partnership with the Arnaldo Janssen Center (more information on:
samusocialInternational in Angola).
Launch of the course “Non-governmental action in the fight against social exclusion” at the University of Paris 13.
Launch of the University diploma Street Children and Youth (Enfants et jeunes “de la rue”) in partnership with the Université Paris-Descartes.
First meeting of the technical referents of the samusociaux Mali, Senegal and Pointe-Noire in Paris.
Opening of a second
samusocialPerú facility,samusocialSanta Rosa in the northern suburbs of Lima.
Launch of the teaching project at the Moscow Humanities University, in partnership with
Launch of the teaching program on ““Street” children and youth” at Senghor University of Alexandria in Cairo.
Technical and practical support to the department of Cundinamarca and the municipality of Soacha in Colombia.
5 trainings with local associations in Greece for the medical-psychological care of refugees and migrants.
Partnership with the association Amel International to set up a mobile unit in Beirut, Lebanon.
Opening of
samusocialGabonais in Libreville, in partnership with the Gabonese Ministry of Social Development, Social Welfare and National Solidarity.
Inauguration of samusocial du Grand Tunis, Tunisia, a new public social welfare service supported by