Our governance



The samusocialInternational  is an association loi 1901 , recognized of general interest. The Board of Directors of samusocialInternational is responsible for the good governance of samusocialInternational and its legal representation. It defines the strategic development lines of the association and its visibility. The Board of Directors decides on exploratory missions and is represented during the first exploratory missions. An office of samusocialInternational, composed of some members of the Board, supports the executive director of samusocialInternational, in charge of the operational affairs of the association.


Organization Chart

Members of the Board of Directors

Doctor Xavier Emmanuelli, Founding honorary 

Doctor, co-founder of Médecins sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders) and former Secretary of State for Humanitarian Action


Jacques Carles, President,

Director of a strategy-consulting firm


Michel Katz, Secretary and member of the samusocialInternational office

Counsel to the Court


Michèle Vert-Nibet, Administrator and member of the board of samusocialInternational

President of SAPSA Holding


Frédéric Boyer, Administrator of samusocialInternational

Director of International Relations and Operations in an NGO


Xavier Descarpentris, Administrator of samusocialInternational

International civil servant / WHO


Doctor Norbert Gautrin, Administrator of samusocialInternational



Raphael Remond, Administrator of samusocialInternational

Bank Director


Doctor Suzanne Tartière, Administrator of samusocialInternational



Carbon de Seze, Administrator of samusocialInternational

Lawyer at the Paris Bar


Laurence Honnorat, Administrator of samusocialInternational

President of a company


Doctor Jean-Pierre Orsini, Administrator of samusocialInternational





Headquarters team

Marie Hildwein, Director

Carolina Favarelli, Programme officer

Marie-Elise Maës, Programme officer

Delphine Laisney, Technical Resources Coordinator

Elodie Huet-Stephan, Technical Resources Coordinator Assistant

Odile Gaslonde, Training Officer

Olivier Chesnais, Administrative and Financial Manager

Marie-Andrée Castor, Fundraising Officer