Tunis, Tunisia – created in December 2015
SamusocialInternational collaborates with the Tunisian Ministry of Social Affairs with the aim of supporting the reflection on the phenomenon of exclusion and the integration of the specific needs of homeless people in public policies.
As such, SamusocialInternational has been supporting since 2017 the development of Samusocial du Grand Tunis, a Tunisian public service of mobile emergency assistance for people living on the streets in Tunis and a member of the international network of Samusociaux.
A pilot project of the Tunisian Ministry of Social Affairs, Samusocial du Grand Tunis is composed of a social team supported by health care workers. It intervenes five evenings a week with adults and minors in situations of great exclusion in the Greater Tunis area.
In 2020-2021, SamusocialInternational has implemented a project with the General Committee for Social Promotion (CGPS) aiming to strengthen the fight against social exclusion in Tunisia with three components: strengthening the framework allowing the CGPS to develop and coordinate actions against social exclusion; consolidating the Samusocial system of Greater Tunis; analyzing the feasibility of adapting the Samusocial model in other Tunisian cities.
Mobile Assistance Teams (EMA)
Samusocial du Grand Tunis carries out five nightly patrols per week. Its mobile aid team provides medical, psychological and social support to people encountered on the streets in the four governorates of Greater Tunis. Despite the difficulties linked to the health situation, Samusocial du Grand Tunis has managed to ensure the continuity of its intervention on the street. While ensuring the protection of its staff, the outreach activities continue and contribute to the information and care of the homeless in Tunis, who are particularly vulnerable to the epidemic and endangered by the upheaval of their living conditions on the street (linked in particular to begging) and of the aid and solidarity networks.
Emergency shelter / Day center
Samusocial du Grand Tunis is a service of the Tunis Social Orientation and Support Center, an open mergency shelter for vulnerable people. It can refer the people it meets for care adapted to their needs (accommodation, psychosocial support, nursing care).
Orientation and integration assistance
Its privileged relationships with public health, social affairs and justice actors facilitate its work of care and support.
Key figures for 2021:
146 Beneficiaries of the action
122 Medical consultations / nursing care
7 People accommodated at CEOS
616 Social interviews
19 Accompaniment in legal or administrative procedures
Grants and foreign donations received by Samusocial International (Tunisia office)
SamusocialInternational (Tunisia office) received the following payments from SamusocialInternational in France:
December 5, 2017: 2,500 euros
15 January 2018: 4,500 euros
28 February 2018: 27,500 euros
May 7, 2018: 15,000 euros
September 4, 2018 : 20.000 euros
January 25, 2019 : 15.000 euros
October 23, 2019: 20,000 euros
December 18, 2019: 15,000 euros
July 3, 2020: 1,500 euros
They correspond to funding from the Monegasque Cooperation for the implementation of activities of the project “Support for the creation and implementation of a Samusocial device in the Greater Tunis area”.
Financial statements of the Tunisia office of Samusocial International
The 2019 financial statements of the Tunisia office of SamusocialInternational can be downloaded here.
More informations:
Facebook: Samusocial du Grand Tunis