D.U. « Street» children and youth 2024-2025

Understanding the situations of children and young people living on the streets or in precarious shelters (unaccompanied minors, young people on the move) who have broken off from their family life and are socially excluded, in order to act in an interdisciplinary manner (medical, psychological, social, educational, legal) with individualized support methods: these are the objectives of this 100-hour training course, which is given in constant interaction with the multi-country experiences and professional practices of SamusocialInternational and its partners.

Under the direction of Dr. Xavier Emmanuelli, this training is intended for professionals and future professionals (intervention, coordination, management) in the sectors of child protection and action against exclusion in France and internationally, and is accessible to all disciplines at the level of baccalaureate +3 (with possible exemptions by the pedagogical committee), in student status or in salaried status with financing under the heading of continuing education.

The training is conducted online, giving students living in the provinces or abroad the opportunity to participate fully.

100 hours of classes are given by specialists, academics and practitioners, both French and foreign.


For the academic year 2024-2025, the courses are divided into four seminars that will take place on:

  • February 10-14, 2025
  • March 10-14, 2025
  • April 7-11, 2025
  • June 18, 2024 and September 8, 2025

With presentation of the internship report or dissertation in videoconference November 2025.


Registration period: opening on 01/09/2024 and closing on 01/02/2025.

Registration here.


Training reference : DUA631


Download the program: Program 2024-2025


For information on registration, contact:

  • Delphine Laisney : d.laisney@samu-social-international.com