Samusocial Senegal

Causerie_SamusocialSenegal_mai_2010_2Dakar, Senegal – created in 2003

In full economic growth since 2012, Senegal has not escaped the phenomenon of poorly controlled urbanization. This situation generates structural dysfunctions, notably a lack of basic social infrastructure in certain areas and the exposure of populations to situations of social exclusion. The most extreme form is the existence of a high number of children and young people living on the streets.

In March 2021, the Minister of Women, Family, Gender and Child Protection officially launched the EU project “Strengthening the Socio-Health Protection System and the Economic Resilience of Vulnerable Groups in the Context of Covid-19 in Senegal” to improve services, skills and assistance for street children and young adults and people living with disabilities.


Mobiles 2Mobile Assistance Teams (EMA)

They act as “marauding” teams (roaming the streets in order to identify children in danger) and make rounds in the children’s living areas. Through their action, they offer medical protection, nutritional support and psychosocial assistance to these children who are exposed to the daily dangers of the street. Through their skills, they help the children to understand the events of the past, to overcome the difficulties of the present and to build plans for the future.

Hébergements 2 Emergency shelter / Day centers

SamusocialSenegal‘s Emergency Shelter with Nursing and Psychological Care (CHUSIP) provides shelter for the most at-risk children on the street 24/7. It is equipped with a medical office, a psychological counselling office and a social service for family reunification. Insofar as the center is going to receive children in danger on the street, the function of the CHUSIP is to help the child to recover, to find himself, to recharge his batteries.

Orientation 2Guidance and assistance with integration

The return to the family depends on the child’s will, since without his or her acceptance, the relationship of help, particularly psychological, is impossible. The objective is not to return as many children as possible to their families at all costs, but above all to ensure that these returns are sustainable. This is why SamusocialSenegal focuses mainly on the quality of the accompaniment and follow-up, not only of the children but also of the families.

Actions 2Advocacy/Awareness actions

Cross-cutting activities are implemented to develop advocacy and awareness-raising for street children, on issues such as violence in all its forms, access to health care, etc. Many of these activities are carried out in collaboration with associative and institutional partners. In addition, SamusocialSenegal publishes a quarterly newsletter and participates in many meetings on the issue of children at risk.

Soutien 2Support to partner associations

SamusocialSenegal works in close collaboration with the associations providing care in Dakar and in the regions. Networking and the possibility of handing over to and/or supporting actors specialized in social reintegration are essential to ensure the comprehensive care of vulnerable groups. This is why SamusocialSenegal has participated in the strengthening of direct care structures for street children and youth and people living with disabilities (physical, mental, intellectual or sensory), in their specific activities, through cascading grants but also by offering skills development and training.


Key figures 2023:

1817 Beneficiaries of the action

362 Day and night outreach activities

1366 People sheltered

164 Returning home

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