Samusocial Pointe-Noire

Pointe-Noire, Republic of Congo – created in 2006 

The Congo is going through a period characterized by the great vulnerability of part of its population, a situation accentuated by the crisis and the economy’s heavy dependence on oil revenues. The SamusocialPointe-Noire(SSPN), created in 2006 at the request of the town hall, aims to help a particularly vulnerable population, children and young people in street situations.


In order to compensate for the shortcomings in terms of sustainable and equitable inclusive public services, SamusocialPointe-Noire continues its daily monitoring activities according to SamusocialInternational‘s emergency method.


Since 2006, SamusocialPointe-Noire has identified over 3,000 children and young people living on the streets. Over the past ten years, the annual flow of street arrivals has risen from an average of 100 to 200 newly identified children and young people (boys and girls). Although there is no reliable estimate of the number of people living on the streets, these figures attest to the long way to go to curb this phenomenon, guarantee children and young people in situations of exclusion access to basic protection, health and education services, and combat the risks of desocialization.

SamusocialPointe-Noire is currently engaged in a multi-year funding contract with the European Union 2023-2025 “Droit et Faire valoir: soutien aux capacités des enfants et jeunes en situation de rue pour la promotion et le respect des droits de l’Homme”.




Mobiles 2 Mobile Help Teams (EMA)

The mission of the Mobile Assistance Teams, composed of a caregiver, a social worker and a driver/social worker, is to go, day and night, to meet the Children and Youth living on the street on the street (EJVRs), in their living quarters, in order to carry out a medical and psychosocial diagnosis, to provide them with care and attention, and if necessary, to give priority to referring the children most at risk.


  Emergency accomodation/Day center

 An emergency shelter with nursing and psychological care (CHUSIP) offers a short- and medium-term housing solution for a capacity of 24 children. The aim is to welcome and provide close accompaniment, but also to work on their project to leave the street. This marauding-center system is complemented by the day care and long-term accommodation centers of SamusocialPointe-Noire‘s partners, where the teams carry out medical-psychosocial consultations.


Orientation 2  Orientation and integration assistance

SamusocialPointe-Noire is the first link in the care chain, from emergency to leaving the street. Children and young people registered in a street exit project benefit from the structured environments offered by CHUSIP and its partner centers to finalize their projects (literacy, schooling, return to the family, professional training).


Actions 2  Advocacy actions

Advocacy actions are developed within the REIPER network (Réseau des Intervenants sur le Phénomène des Enfants de la Rue) of which SamusocialPointe-Noire is a member. These actions are an extension of the consultation framework created in 2014 with a view to carrying out collective and concerted actions with all stakeholders, including local authorities, for an efficient child protection system.




Soutien 2  Support to partner associations

In order to provide a range of referral solutions that meet the diversity of needs and situations of children and young people living on the streets, SamusocialPointe-Noire supports care structures such as health structures, partner shelter centers, training centers, etc. This can take the form of financial and material support for the care of referred beneficiaries, by providing on-the-spot care or even training and awareness-raising on the methodology and methods of care for this population.


Key figures 2023:

584 Beneficiaries of the action

234 day and night outreach activities

115 People sheltered

1,560 Social and psychological interviews

2,041 Medical consultations and care

For more informations:


Facebook: Samusocial Pointe-Noire